PE Excuse, Medical Device and Elevator Policy
Medical excuses for PE:
One day excuse:
Parent Note – A parental note may be accepted by the PE teacher for a one day excuse only, but the student must still get changed for Physical Education class.
The student must be prepared for PE and given a pass by the PE teacher to go to the nurse. The nurse and the teacher will determine if you will be excused.
Extended excuse:
Students must have a doctor’s note for an extended excuse. Students with a doctor’s note do not change for PE. The PE teacher must sign the note before going to the nurse for verification and approval. The doctor’s not must indicate the diagnosis and specify the length of time for the excuse.
Crutches, Casts, Splints, Wheelchairs, etc.
If a student is prescribed any medical devices, a medical note of necessity from the doctor for use of the medical device in school must be presented to the school nurse. If the student comes to school with a medical device and does not have a medical note of necessity from the doctor, a parent will be contacted and the student will be sent home from school.
An elevator is located downstairs near room 124 and upstairs near room 226. The elevator is only for the use of disabled or injured students who have submitted a doctor’s note to the school nurse. Only an administrator or the school nurse may authorize the use of the elevator. Students who are permitted to use the elevator will be given an elevator key which must be picked up in the Nurse’s Office in the morning and returned to the Nurse’s Office before dismissal each afternoon. If the key is lost, the student will be charged with a replacement fee.